My Story - Jim Caid
Last Updated on 8/07/00

I graduated from Harvey Mudd in '72 with a BS in Engineering and picked up an MBA in 1986 from St. Mary's College. Both colleges are in California...I was in California for almost twenty years, mostly in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have one son, Monty, now 19 and living in Oakland. I live with my girlfriend Jill here in Tucson. We've been together for over twelve years.

After living here in Tucson for over twelve years, my girlfriend Jill and I were married at the San Pedro Chapel in Tucson in February, 2000. We honeymooned at Great Smoky Mountains national Park, and have since sold the old townhome and bought a new one in the same neighborhood...slightly larger and with a fine view to the west to the Tucson Mountains. We are keeping busy with fixing up and decorating the new place.

I've spent my whole career in structural engineering and engineering management and am now semi-retired, providing consulting services from my home office for people I know or have worked for in the past.

I enjoy chess and compete in several tournaments a year. I would like to become an expert at it but that goal is still some distance away. I also enjoy studying the stock market and stock trading and once in a while I successfully buy low and sell high.

Dad's name is Jim also and to avoid confusion I was called by my middle name as a child. So I was known as Steve Caid up through high school and until I went to California.

I'm a second generation Tucsonan. My family was here in the 1920's and many of them are still here...anyone you meet named Caid is related some way to me. My sister Madeline also lives in Tucson. She attended Catalina and graduated in 1972. Dad lives in Show Low half the year. Mom died a couple of years ago.

Mary Clarke is a good friend of ours...we get together a couple of times a year for dinner or a party. She was born almost the same day I was at the same hospital. At Catalina she was known as Rusty Knipe.
  Jim Caid